Welcome to Holosearch

"What is Holosearch?" you may well ask.  

There are two answers to that. 

In the long run, Holosearch.com is intended for development as a search engine that uses holographic technology for the actual search process, for the user interface, or for both.   Search processes based on holographic technology and associative retrieval can operate more like human neural processing than search engines that are based on electromagnetic data storage and retrieval.  They can process large amounts of information in parallel at very fast speeds.  Further, they enable fuzzy search and associative extraction. 

For now, and for most of the past decade, Holosearch.com has been active as the e-mail portal for Robert A. Connor, Ph.D.  In this respect, it spans five companies and diverse technologies.  These companies are as follows:

Aneuclose LLC, founded in 2009, is a medical technology company that is developing innovative devices and methods to create new options for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms.  Aneuclose has a growing intellectual property portfolio that currently comprises nine pending patents and PCTs for devices and methods to treat cerebral aneurysms.

Holovisions LLC is a Minnesota-based technology company with a growing intellectual property portfolio and products under development in the field of three-dimensional display.  Holovision's patented HolovisionTM technology has the potential to create high-resolution, large-scale, moving three-dimensional images that can be viewed with full parallax by people in different locations without special eyewear.   Further, this technology does not have a restrictive viewing zone, does not produce only transparent images, does not require coherent light, and does not require liquid movement to adjust lens shape. 

Medibotics LLC is an innovative technology company with a growing intellectual property portfolio and array of products under development that are based largely on Medibotics' core competency of incorporating air-filled or liquid-filled conduits into clothing and wearable devices.  Medibotics' current areas for conduit-based technology and related products under development include: ambulatory human motion recognition and motion capture (including Motion Recognition ClothingTM), wearable technology for energy generation from human motion (including Electricity Generating Clothing), flexible human-to-computer interface devices (including BlobMouseTM), and sound-masking devices and systems for enhancing sleep (including HushBandTM). 

Orthonex LLC is a medical technology company that is developing innovative technologies for the medical fields of Orthopedics and Neurosurgery.  Orthonex has a growing intellectual property portfolio that includes new devices and methods for: dynamic stabilization of the spine (including "Smart Stabilization") ; wirelessly-controlled post-surgical skeletal adjustment; and intra-operative spinal measurement. 

Sleepnea LLC is a medical technology company that is developing innovative technologies and devices to create new options for treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).   Sleepnea has a growing intellectual property portfolio that currently comprises eight pending patents for devices and methods to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  This portfolio includes innovative patent-pending mask technologies that can be used to create masks that are more comfortable, fit better, and leak less than currently-available masks.  Such masks have the potential to improve patient compliance and reduce the adverse health effects of OSA.  Sleepnea's intellectual property portfolio also includes novel, non-surgical, non-neurostimulation devices and methods for keeping the tongue from obstructing the airway during sleep.

Holographic Search Engine

Search engines based on holographic technology and associative retrieval operate more like human neural processing than search engines based on electromagnetic data storage and retrieval. Holotech information storage offers the potential improvement of significant grows in data extraction speed because it reads data with parallel processing -- a million bits at a time. Since holographic information storage and reading enables parallel search capability, it can be also be useful for fuzzy search and associative extraction. This type of associative retrieval is not possible with traditional, ordered information storage and extraction means. In some ways, this is how the human mind works with its neural networks. Fuzzy search allows global comparison and investigation of patterns and can spot high-level associations that bit-by-bit comparison can miss. Furthermore, it is more tolerant of data loss. In the event that the human mind did not operate in this way, then the death of even a couple neurons would cause a whole memory to degrade. With associative extraction, general configurations can be recovered even if several of the separate bits of information are lost. The similarities between holographic data processing and neural networks are very exciting. Also, holographic data recording and retrieval .

Neural networks are systems of programs and data that emulate the operation of organic neurons using gradient-based training, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and Bayesian methods. They are currently being used to model factor processing and time-series analysis, predict the weather, and even simulate biological thought. Neural Networks are first fed huge quantities of data and rules about data associations that enable the networks to evolve into deeper knowledge layers. computer simulated environments provides more insights.

Present day science and equipment for human to computer interfaces include: keyboard/knobs; touch-activated screen; mouse; joystick; trackball; steering wheel; digital pen; tablet; speech interpretation; data glove; gesture interpretation; and full-body virtual reality systems. These interfaces allow users to provide input to computer systems. Also, virtual reality and trade includes coverage of holotech related technologies.

As applied to Virtual Reality (VR), intelligence means that communications between humans and virtual things should come close to following the appropriate physical, biological, and similar rules of such communications in the physical world. This conventional is subtler than the criteria that an artificially-improved world be responsive, immersive, and immediate. Also, it is relatively open-ended. The degree of complexity in creating sophisticated interaction between a human and a virtual room is considerably less than creating advanced communication between a human and a virtual cat. Nonetheless, this attribute must be considered. It is not sufficient to have bi-directional information transfers in connections between humans and computers. These bi-directional information transfers must also have meaning to the higher-order processing centers of the human brain. Also, holography and telecommunications provides information on this topic.

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